Rain Rain go away.
Come again another day .xD
i was watching "Gong sam kai " jus now.
until klimaks suddenly Astro cannot watchh ! issssssh !
its okie.
i hav used to it since i born.
they had tis kind of problem .

now nothin to do.
Come to blog yi xia xia.
Now Listenin : Heartbreaker.
tis song make me addicted.
i knoe wats d latest trend of songs
Keep repeating the chorus part and let the lyrics get in to ur mind.
"Your my heart heart heart heart heart breaker.No way No way."
"Papparazzi.x1 x2 x3 x3
"P P P P POker face "
many many more.Lols.

Im hopin rain will stop
i wanted to watch drama.
i wanted to see rainbow when the rain is stop.
Now is Nite d >.<

Theresa Fu and Ao Quan..its a very nice couple. =]

Tomolo got skul.
Sleep early Everyone .
Byebye <3 ♥♥♥
Jayne.Shan.b0m x Shan 24.3 .Jancy.wateva u call it.xD


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