Today the first day i went to skul after so long =]
Today is our year end party.
First everyone do their own stuff.
Some eating.Playing.watching Gossip Girls . and the awards thingy.
then then then..
during 8 something.
everyone started to eat.
after tht we had start our program.
-Words by Mr.Geeva.
-Words by Students.
bla bla . my words.
actually i don dare to say in class.
im not reali good in expose my feeling.
coz im kinda shy.xD

First of all .i wan to thanks to following peoples.
-Mr Geeva.
 thanks for this r reali a nice teacher.always patient to us.You can easily mixed wif our class (coz not all teacher oso can tahan our class ) everytime if anythin happen will stand at our side.although during ur class we pay not much attention ..hehe..but i still hope tht u can continue teach us next year.THANK YOU SIR!

-My classmates
errrr..although im not so close wif u all at first.but after soo long..its almost one year tht we had been together..i believe that i had knoe u all quite well edi..from not close to close all always help me when i had things to question you all. you all always play wif me when im bored.we always fool around when teacher is not teaching.hehe..Nice memories har xD..In the lab .we do experiment together.during exam time.we find tips together.=] to all the frens tht i talk mean words to Sanjeev ? i hope u don mind.tht i joke wif you.hehe..So guys..We'll work hard nx year for SPM. ! jiayou..i love 4SC2.! like wat Jie Kit said : I reali enjoy be in tis class (i will add somethin if i rmb) =]

♠ musical chair.
haha.actually i don like to play tis kind of games.coz i will feel quite embrassed when u lose.kena eliminate by people.if got tis kind of things don call me yea.haha.

♠ Passing Bomb (duno izzit tis name )
tis game is fun.but i knoe Yazmeen purposely pick people one. xD
thanks her for letting me be the last 2.hehe
i can see when we playing games .other class 's ppl r peeking our class.
mus be we laugh till too noisy d.hehe
actually i shuld walk a.
coz now i think of many funny moves in my mind..
if you gimme chance again i will play seriously one.
cuz i feel if u lose ppl ask u to do somethin but u refuse.
its quite disappointed ppl >.<

and..we had Gift exchange oso.
let me think of my primary school.
we did the same things during children day er !
i had giv my gift to WeiJia.
and i Got my Present from Jie Kit.
its a Keychain from

then.i had camwhore soooo much today.
but i always use ppl camera to take pictures.
feel so paiseh.
i will buy a new phone or camera nx time.
Sorry ya.
and those who upload picture edi..
i will curi from their FB and upload here.hehe

I can said, today is the most fun day in my secondary life.
i year can be the same oso.
tis party can go on so smoothly.
thanks to :-
-Good planners and organizer in our class.
-Cooperate of teacher and students.
-Students that wan to hav tis party.
-anyway. EVERYONE LAH.! ^^

Goodbye ♥ Everyday will be a GoodDay !


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